NEP appoints Keith Lane as VP. Client Services

BRACKNELL, UK – 11 July 2017 – NEP today announces it has furtherstrengthened its team with the appointment of Keith Lane as Vice President, Client Services – Discovery / Eurosport. Based at NEP’s UK offices, therole will have Keith leading the strategic development of the Discovery andEurosport relationship.
Priorto working at NEP, Keith held the position of Director of Operations at SkySports for seven years. Using his extensive technical and production knowledgehe has experience across a wide area of broadcast services, including: play-out,channel management, content management, outside broadcast, and during his timeat Sky Sports, he also oversaw a number of technical advances and innovations
NEP has talentedworldwide teams assisting Discovery and Eurosport across a wide range ofservices and geographies. Keith’s focus will be on driving NEP’s superiorservice and supporting these teams to further deepen the Discovery / Eurosport relationship.
Speakingof the appointment, Steve Jenkins, President, NEP UK & Ireland, commented “Weare committed to deep relationships with our clients, and Keith’s extensivebackground in sports broadcasting absolutely complements NEP and Discovery /Eurosport’s future plans. He is an exciting addition to the team. It’s great tohave him on board.”
Keith Lane, VPClient Services – Discovery / Eurosport at NEP said, “This is a very exciting time tobe joining NEP as the Discovery / Eurosport account keepsgrowing. Working closely with the global teams, I’m keen to further build NEP’sstrong relationship with the channels and make sure we’re delivering on ourpromise of exceptional service.”