NEP UK achieve ISO 14001 Certificate for Environmental Management

ISO 14001 concerns how as a company you engage in saving energy, reducing waste and complying with all the relevant legislation regarding sustainability. It’s recognised the world over as a sign that an organisation is committed to doing business in a sustainable, environmentally friendly way.
NEP are thrilled to receive such a certification, after going to great lengths to manage the environmental risk that our operating environment creates.
“NEP are committed to making sure that as company we provide a safe working environment, that produces the highest of quality, which is why we felt it important to gain this certification. Gaining this certification shows our commitment to providing the highest business standards”
– Chris Cannon, Director of Operations
This is of course just one part of NEP's drive to continue to become more environmentally responsible we will become as an organisation. ISO 14001 is the second ISO standard that NEP UK have received certification for. The organisation was awarded ISO 45001 in September 2021. ISO 45001 deals with the management of occupational health and safety within an organisation.
NEP are committed to making sure that as company we provide a safe working environment, that produces the highest of quality, which is why we felt it was important to gain certification.